The Argentine government this week delivered a series of proposed bills to Congress that would heavily sanction businesses found guilty of corruption involving the public sector, according to a Reuters report.

Argentine law punishes individuals involved in pesos_argentinacorruption cases, but not companies. Under the proposed laws, companies could be fined heavily or suspended temporarily from doing business, among other measures.

The proposed laws allow for decreased punishments for companies that collaborate in ongoing investigations or adopt internal policies that make future corruption unlikely. Punishments could be made more severe under the proposed project if high-ranking officials in a company know of the corrupt practices or if such practices cause environmental damage, among other factors.

“The threat of sanction of organizations and the possibility of mitigating responsibility after collaborating in the prevention and detection of crimes against public bodies are tools to aid the prevention of corruption,” the proposal reads.

The initiative would allow for fines of up to 20 percent of a company’s gross annual income and the suspension of a company from doing business for up to 10 years.